Bridal Safari


Sahiba & Noel are one of the cutest couples whom I got to photograph on their wedding.

Such a stunner of a bride!

Getting the lehenga out.

There is a picture in every frame 🙂

Arriving at the united services club gurdwara in colaba, Mumbai

A group of school kids came to Sahiba just as she was about to enter the gurudwara for the wedding.

Looking so pretty.

The guests being welcomed with the the warmest of the hugs.

Sahiba with her sisters as she walks into the gurudwara.

Taking the Phere.

Taking the vows
Blessings and hugs all around

Even from the little ones

After the wedding

Not all vidaai’s are tearful 🙂

Next day, Wedding No 2 🙂
Getting ready
Sahiba arriving at the St Andrews Church in Bandra, Mumbai

Man & Wife

Taking the vows

Sahiba was feeling very emotional after the wedding

Man & Wife

More Hugs

and the celebration begins

at the reception party

A little bhangra to set the stage

Rocking the Party

Sahiba & Noel danced till the wee hours of the morning.

sahiba and noel | rajesh padey